Iphone posible venta 11 de junio




via cnet:

El rumor matutino de hoy es la posible fecha de salida del iphone.Navegando por Cnet y según el departamento de ventas de Cingular (recordemos que será el operador que distribuirá el iphone en EEUU), la posible fecha de salida seria el lunes día 11 de Junio, coincidiendo con la Worldwide Developers Conference de Apple, donde según puedo leer se haría una preview del nuevo SO Leopard que tantos post ocupa estos días en la blogesfera.

También podemos ver como esto podría no ser más que un simple rumor ya que otros blogs apuntan al 15 de Junio, así que habrá que esperar a ver que se cuece por EEUU, lo que es seguro que será líder de ventas.


Podeis seguir leyendo la noticia que extraigo de cnet:

Ever since Steve Jobs’ keynote at the Macworld Expo in January, we’ve known that the iPhone is being released sometime in June. But we haven’t known exactly when.

Now Cingular is confirming that the release date will be June 11. A customer service manager at Cingular (we called 800-947-5096 and were transferred to sales) gave us that date late Thursday, but, alas, said he didn’t have any additional information beyond that.

That date is no coincidence. It’s the first day of Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference
, scheduled to be held in San Francisco from June 11 through June 15. (Incidentally, the agenda includes a focus on Leopard, the next generation of OS X that’s supposed to be released sometime in the second quarter of 2007.)

Rumors have been swirling about the iPhone release date. One blog pointed to a release date of June 15 based on alleged documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission, but those have been shown to be a hoax.

Here’s some information from our sister site, CNET.com, about the iPhone.

Posted by Declan McCullagh

Ever since Steve Jobs’ keynote at the Macworld Expo in January, we’ve known that the iPhone is being released sometime in June. But we haven’t known exactly when.

Now Cingular is confirming that the release date will be June 11. A customer service manager at Cingular (we called 800-947-5096 and were transferred to sales) gave us that date late Thursday, but, alas, said he didn’t have any additional information beyond that.

That date is no coincidence. It’s the first day of Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference
, scheduled to be held in San Francisco from June 11 through June 15. (Incidentally, the agenda includes a focus on Leopard, the next generation of OS X that’s supposed to be released sometime in the second quarter of 2007.)

Rumors have been swirling about the iPhone release date. One blog pointed to a release date of June 15 based on alleged documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission, but those have been shown to be a hoax.

Here’s some information from our sister site, CNET.com, about the iPhone.


Posted by Declan McCullagh

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    Iphone posible venta 11 de junio

    Iphone posible venta 11 de junio

    El rumor matutino de hoy es la posible fecha de salida del iphone.Navegando por Cnet y según el departamento de ventas de Cingular (recordemos que será el op






    Iphone posible venta 11 de junio
    Iphone posible venta 11 de junio

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